House Histories
Researching the History of Your House
You can research the history of your house whether it is 20 years
old or 150 years old. Marian Pierre-Louis will introduce where
to find the deeds to your house, how to chain a deed, and locating
other sources of information such as the US Federal Census records.
Come learn some tricks to get the most out of your house history
research. This talk is appropriate for both beginners and those
who have some research experience. Note: This talk can be altered
as either a beginner or an advanced research talk. It will also
be customized to your town/county.
Discovering Immigrant Voices through House History Research
House history research in larger urban areas provides for fascinating
results. Two-family and multi-family homes often provide a microcosm
of the waves of immigrants that have passed through a city in different
generations. Learn to celebrate different types of housing and
all the secrets they can reveal. Similar to the house history talk
above but more appropriate for cities with an emphasis on the immigrants
who lived there. Note: This talk will be customized for your city/region.
House History Workshop
This workshop is a hands on session to get your audience researching
their homes right away. A classroom setting with computers and
internet connection is ideal. The workshop can be 2-4 hours in
length depending on your requirements.